
Showing posts from May, 2021

earn $116,379 with python.

before starting to EARN , we need to LEARN about PYTHON... python   is a world-famous simple, powerful and general-purpose computer language  .according to stack overflow developer survey 2020 it's 3rd most favourite coding language. Its a beginner friendly open-source language. It is called a high-level language, dynamic language, graphical user interface language, object-oriented language, interpreter language. Python language can easily create complicated programs. It is easy to write a program in Python. Big companies like NASA , Google , Yahoo , YouTube , Quora, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify, Reddit, Facebook, Netflix, Dropbox, PayPal, Uber’s Tech, Amazon, IBM, Mozilla, Walt Disney Feature Animation Uses the Python language and you can create a web application, email parsing, network programming, desktop application, Internet protocol, games, robot program, mobile applications, GUI application, and scientific applications. Python is also widely used in fields such as  Artifi