earn $116,379 with python.

before starting to EARN , we need to LEARN about PYTHON...

python is a world-famous simple, powerful and general-purpose computer language .according to stack overflow developer survey 2020 it's 3rd most favourite coding language. Its a beginner friendly open-source language. It is called a high-level language, dynamic language, graphical user interface language, object-oriented language, interpreter language. Python language can easily create complicated programs. It is easy to write a program in Python.

Big companies like NASA, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Quora, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify, Reddit, Facebook, Netflix, Dropbox, PayPal, Uber’s Tech, Amazon, IBM, Mozilla, Walt Disney Feature Animation Uses the Python language and you can create a web application, email parsing, network programming, desktop application, Internet protocol, games, robot program, mobile applications, GUI application, and scientific applications. Python is also widely used in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet scripting, Embedded scripting, Database programming, System utilities, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Data Science, Web Development, Robotics, and Automation. With Python, you can create a simple Chatbot. You can create a computer language with Python.

Features of Python

There is a lot of python’s specialty. It is the first of which is an open-source language. This is a simple language. Simply learn this. If you learn python, you get the job efficiently. Write less of the coding and create a program. Below are the features of Python Development:

  • Beginner friendly
  • Large Community support
  • Great Employment Opportunities
  • Interpreter (Learning made easy)
  • An easy to learn language
  • Elegant
  • Object-oriented
  • Portable
  • A high-level interpreted language
  • Simple Elegant Syntax
  • Not overly strict
  • The expressiveness of the language
  • Good Language to Teach Programming
  • Great libraries
  • Readable code
  • Beautiful code
  • Rapid development
  • Open-source
  • Powerful
  • Dynamic typing
  • Get Immediately Jobs & Careers
  • Readable and Maintainable Code
  • Multiple Programming Paradigms
  • Compatible with Major Platforms and Systems
  • Scientific computing
  • Great documentation


How to make money with Python?

 You can make money with Python programming skills in the following ways-

1. Get a Developer Job   

If you are a good Python programmer, you can find a developer job at a company even if you do not have a degree or certification. There are many companies that hire programmers based on Computer Science degree and there are others as well who don’t measure your skills based on degrees and certifications.The government, particularly military cyber teams, and other major organizations use Python extensively and the pay is very good.

According to Indeed, the average Python developer salary in the US in 2021 is $110,840 per year (or $52.85 per hour), which grew by 15% for the last 5 years. The entry-level Python developer salary in the USA is $85,999. Middle developers earn $100,975 when experienced Python developers are paid on average $112,985 per year.

2.Create a StartUp

you can create your own startup. To create a startup, you need to find a burning problem that has chances of making money and solve that problem using your Python skills.
 For example, you can create a web application or mobile application that can classify images of eyes of a person that checks whether that person has any eye-related diseases or not.


A ‘freelancer’ is a term commonly used for a person who is self-employed. You can become a Python freelancer and earn a living from that. You can take projects from local clients and work as a consultant or you can work as a freelancer using online platforms. There are various platforms available for doing freelancing like Upwork and Freelancer and Fiverr

4.Teach Coding Online

in this case, you don’t want to be an expert or you don’t need a portfolio of tons of projects. You can teach whatever you know to the people who don’t know about that topic.

In many cases, you don’t need to be an expert coder to become an expert teacher. Sometimes, a person who just recently studied the syntax of Python can teach a beginner far better than an expert. Because the former can understand the mindset of the beginner and he can relate to that person in a better way.

5.Create a Blog

Just like a YouTube channel, you can also create a blog. The difference is that the content is more text-based. Pythonista Planet is an example of a Python blog.

For creating a blog or website, you don’t need to code the entire website. You can use popular platforms like WordPress to create your blog. There are plenty of themes and plugins available in WordPress that can make your life very easy.

You have to create a lot of helpful articles and tutorials in order to build a great audience. However, it will take a lot of time (generally, more than a year) to build an audience.

Once you build a huge audience, you can monetize your website with ads and affiliate marketing. Also, you can create a digital product like an ebook or a video course and sell them on your website.

6. Join Coding Contests

You can make money by entering in coding contests or hackathons and winning them. You can find many such contests in the colleges in your area or you can look for them online.

Some of the online platforms that conduct coding contests are HackerRankTopCoderHackerEarthCodeChefCodeWars, etc. You can search for ‘online coding competitions’ and you can find plenty of them on the Internet.


If you have the skills under your belt, there are many ways to make money out of it. You can use any of the six methods that I have mentioned in this article.

Some of you reading this article might be beginners without much knowledge about Python. In that case, I would suggest you take a Udemy course for a couple of bucks to master Python.

There are many other ways to make money from Python. If you know any of them that I have not mentioned here, feel free to let me know in the comments section down below.

Also, if you have any queries or doubts, you can ask them in the comments and I will be happy to help you. 

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